MedlinePlus - Consumer Health website with information on diseases, prescription medicines, genetics, and treatments.
PubMed - Large medical literature database (indexes thousands of journals, books, and papers). Many articles have free-full text.
Medline - A smaller medical literature database that is part of PubMed. These are indexed using official MeSH subject terms from the National Library of Medicine. Many articles have full-text links.
ClinicalTrials.gov - Look for current and upcoming clinical trials as well as the results and analysis of past trials.
PubChem - PubChem is the world's largest collection of freely accessible chemical information. Search chemicals by name, molecular formula, structure, and other identifiers.
Medline Plus is designed for consumer health users. Medical terminology is kept to a minimum.
PubMed and Medline are designed largely for medical professionals. However many of these articles may be of interest to consumer health users.
ClinicalTrials.gov is designed for both consumer and professional users. Be aware that your physician's permission is required to participate in a trial.
PubChem is designed for both professional users and students of chemistry.
These websites are all maintained by the National Library of Medicine and contain the most reliable and vetted medical information available. None of these websites contain advertisements or are sponsored by medical and drug supply companies. These sites are for personal use and are not designed as a substitute for consulting a medical professional.
Learn more about MeSH Subject headings
Using the CINAHL/MeSH Subject Headings Feature in EBSCOhost - Tutorial